Type Alias AssetOrbderbookStats

AssetOrbderbookStats: {
    highestOfferPrice: NullableBignumber;
    latestSaleTimestamp: string | null;
    lowestListingPrice: NullableBignumber;
    updatedAt: string | null;
    updatedAtBlockNumber: number | null;

Type declaration

  • highestOfferPrice: NullableBignumber

    The current highest offer price of the asset.

  • latestSaleTimestamp: string | null

    The latest sale time of the asset. A sale is either a listing or an auction.

  • lowestListingPrice: NullableBignumber

    The current lowest listing price of the asset.

  • updatedAt: string | null

    The last time the stats were updated.

  • updatedAtBlockNumber: number | null

    The block number of the last update of the stats.