Type alias AssetSearchFilters

AssetSearchFilters: {
    attributes?: AssetAttributeSearch[];
    bestPriceByTraitType?: string;
    contractAddress: string;
    direction?: FilterDirection;
    isOnSale?: boolean;
    limit?: number;
    name?: string;
    orderBy?: FilterOrderBy;
    orderByTraitType?: string;
    owner?: string;
    skip?: number;
    tokenIds?: string[];

Type declaration

  • Optional attributes?: AssetAttributeSearch[]

    Attributes to filter the assets. Elements in the list are an OR filter. Inside each element, attribute types are combined to form an AND filter. Attribute values are a list of possible values for a precise attribute type. Minimum length of 1.

  • Optional bestPriceByTraitType?: string

    If this field is defined, instead of sending back all the assets matching the filters, the results contains only the best asset for each value of the defined trait type.

  • contractAddress: string

    The contract address of the asset.

  • Optional direction?: FilterDirection
  • Optional isOnSale?: boolean

    Filter assets that are on sale.

  • Optional limit?: number

    Limit the number of returned assets. If 0 or less, then no limit is applied.

  • Optional name?: string

    The name of the asset as defined in the metadata. It will check that this value is contained in the name. It is case insensitive.

  • Optional orderBy?: FilterOrderBy
  • Optional orderByTraitType?: string

    When orderBy is set to sort by attribute. Then this field is required and used to specify which trait to use when sorting assets.

  • Optional owner?: string

    The owner address of the asset.

  • Optional skip?: number

    Skip a specific number of entries in the asset list.

  • Optional tokenIds?: string[]

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