Type Alias PrepareFillBuyResponse

PrepareFillBuyResponse: {
    callData: string;
    payableOverride: {
        value?: Bignumber;
    sellOrder: ZeroExERC1155Order | ZeroExERC721Order;
    signature: Signature;

Type declaration

  • callData: string

    The callData to send with the transaction.

  • payableOverride: {
        value?: Bignumber;

    Transaction related configuration.

    • Optionalvalue?: Bignumber

      The amount of ETH to send with the transaction (only to BUY orders and if erc20Token is ETH).

  • sellOrder: ZeroExERC1155Order | ZeroExERC721Order

    The order that is being bought to the seller.

  • signature: Signature

    The signature of the sellOrder.