Type alias ProjectCollectionsStats

ProjectCollectionsStats: {
    MAUCounts: MAUCounts;
    mintTotals: TotalMintsCounts;
    monthlySalesVolumes: MonthlySalesVolume[];
    salesVolume: VolumeStats;

Type declaration

  • MAUCounts: MAUCounts

    Monthly Active Users stats, including current value, last period value, and percentage variation.

  • mintTotals: TotalMintsCounts

    Assets count stats, including current count, 30 days ago count, and percentage variation.

  • monthlySalesVolumes: MonthlySalesVolume[]

    A an array of sales volumes by month. Sorted chronologicaly.

  • salesVolume: VolumeStats

    Sales volume stats, including current 30 days volume, last period volume, and percentage variation.

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